
You’re about to make an invest­ment that will cause ripples through­out this life­time and the next. Thank you. 

AP info:

Thank you for setting up your Auto­matic Payment and allow­ing us to reli­ably expand our work and plan for the future of renewal.

Please head to your inter­net banking site to set up this giving. We have dif­fer­ent accounts for dif­fer­ent projects, so please be in touch with accounts@arotahi.org.nz to set up your auto­matic giving to the right loca­tion. Thank you for invest­ing in renewal!
  1. Par­tic­u­lars: Your name or donor number
  2. Code: Regular donor
  3. Ref­er­ence: e.g. Student Hostel Spon­sor­ship, Joel & Lizzie, Renew Together etc

Leave a legacy 

Our work is pos­si­ble because of the gen­er­ous groups and churches who entrust their dona­tions to us. We take this stew­ard­ship seri­ously. We never account for lega­cies- they are above and beyond, and enable us to reach further and do more. They ensure that growth can happen, and have an ongoing effect long after the initial investment.

Down­load (PDF attached) our free brochure to find out more about leaving a legacy in your will.

If there is a spe­cific project or place you would like to leave a legacy for, we will absolutely honour your pref­er­ences. This is an impor­tant part of the legacy process for us. There are four main legacy options, ensur­ing you’re able to choose an approach which feels right for you.

A specific amount

This is a fixed amount of your choos­ing depend­ing on your own cir­cum­stances. This type of request may occa­sion­ally need to be reviewed or changed depend­ing on your chang­ing cir­cum­stances and needs.

A specified item

This might include prop­erty, insur­ance poli­cies, shares or other items of value. Our com­mit­ment to legacy leavers is to always max­imise the value of their item to ensure the best return possible.

A percentage of the estate

This is when you would specify a per­cent­age of an estate, rather than a pre-decided fixed amount. The advan­tage of this type of legacy is that reviews are less likely to be necessary. 

A residual amount

This is when you have made pro­vi­sions for your family and all other special needs, with the remain­ing balance of the estate becom­ing the legacy amount. This type of legacy ensures all com­mit­ments have been met and reduces the pos­si­bil­ity of disputes.

Would you like to discuss your wishes in con­fi­dence? Get in touch with our General Direc­tor AJ by email­ing aj@arotahi.org.nz, to chat about how your gift will be stew­arded well.

Our People — Support a global worker

Thank you for joining the lives of our global team and the trans­for­ma­tion in their neigh­bour­hoods. Expect to hear from our global team reg­u­larly as they keep their sup­port­ers updated and in the loop.

Learn­ing resources and acces­si­ble tech­nol­ogy for high needs chil­dren, as well as teach­ing and music in East Asia.
Pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment and admin­is­tra­tion man­age­ment at a freedom busi­ness in South Asia.
Edu­ca­tion con­sul­tancy and acces­si­ble tech­nol­ogy resources for rural com­mu­ni­ties in South Asia. Man­age­ment and admin­is­tra­tion support for non-profit orgs.
Acti­vat­ing and facil­i­tat­ing inten­tional com­mu­nity in Aotearoa dis­ci­ple­ship flats.
Spark­ing eco­nomic growth ini­tia­tives and social devel­op­ment activ­i­ties in South East Asia.