Renew Together

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi–with your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive.

God is renewing the world

Like us, you believe that God is renew­ing the world.

We reckon God’s mission isn’t a solo one, but one that each of us chooses to be involved in; we only Renew Together.

If your faith com­mu­nity is wanting to dive deeper into a unique journey, reg­is­ter to join us on a 3‑week deep dive into being mis­sional. Together we’ll explore the global shifts and trends, be inspired by incred­i­ble stories from global regions, and be edu­cated on how to iden­tify our hand–carved purpose in the incred­i­ble Missio Dei.

Register now for 2024

Reg­is­ter your inter­est for our biggest global focus of the year, and receive access to all of our for­ma­tional Renew Together resources!

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