Discipleship flats
Hear more about Grace’s journey into her disÂciÂpleÂship flat here or get in on the disÂciÂpleÂship flat action by emailÂing Grace:
Baptist Discipleship flats
are simply flats with a purpose; shared resÂiÂdenÂtial spaces where folÂlowÂers of Jesus can be intenÂtional in the way they are disÂciÂpled in comÂmuÂnity. What difÂferÂenÂtiÂates disÂciÂpleÂship flats from a regular flatÂting sceÂnario are four key commitments:
1 — Prayer
Every flat prays together. We do a rotaÂtion of common prayer, lectio divina and comÂmuÂnally read prayers. We pray for our neighÂbourÂhoods, flatÂmates and churches
2 — connecting to the local Baptist Church
DisÂciÂpleÂship flats don’t replace church, they work in partÂnerÂship with the church for deep disÂciÂpleÂship. The comÂmitÂment to the local church may vary from flat to flat.
3 — An expression of neighbourhood love
It’s time to dream! What does mission look like locally? Let’s be creÂative in the way we connect with, and show the love of Jesus to, our neighbourhood.
4 — Gathering of the tribe
A highÂlight of flat life. This is a time of conÂnecÂtion with others who are part of a disÂciÂpleÂship flat. We use our time together for trainÂing, buildÂing relaÂtionÂships, and sharing what’s going on in our neighbourhood.
Keen to see if you belong in a discipleship flat?
Join a discipleship flat
Find your fit in a disÂciÂpleÂship flat close to you, or wherÂever you’re headed. Fill in the form below for a no-comÂmitÂments chat with us about intenÂtional comÂmuÂnity and disÂciÂpleÂship flats.
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Start a discipleship flat
If you own or manage a propÂerty that you want to steward with purpose, chat with us about using the space as a disÂciÂpleÂship home. Give Grace a call and let’s chat about estabÂlishÂing a disÂciÂpleÂship flat in your community.
Grace Doak
(Baptist Discipleship Flats Activator)
022 130 3557