Discerning your people & place
Let Arotahi walk with you on a journey of disÂcernÂment, as you explore the people and place God might be calling your faith comÂmuÂnity to partner with. Explore our disÂcernÂment resources and step into your hand-carved mission today.
Watch the first two episodes of our disÂcernÂment series. These videos are simply a resource alongÂside our comÂpreÂhenÂsive disÂcernÂment booklet. If you’re interÂested in startÂing your disÂcernÂment journey, reach out to aj@arotahi.org.nz for a first disÂcusÂsion and access to all of our resources.

Want to take the next step, now?
Take a look at which Skilled PlaceÂments are availÂable, or head to the Arotahi Dropbox for our ready-to-connect church engageÂment options.
“IdenÂtify the unique DNA and charism that your faith comÂmuÂnity partÂners with. UnderÂstand how you can give (aroha atu) and receive (aroha mai), mutuÂally transÂformÂing one another. Love how God uses genuine and comÂmitÂted relationships.”