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Discerning your people & place

“Dis­cern­ment is about finding and fol­low­ing the will of God with wisdom and commitment.”

Let Arotahi walk with you on a journey of dis­cern­ment, as you explore the people and place God might be calling your faith com­mu­nity to partner with. Explore our dis­cern­ment resources and step into your hand-carved mission today.

Watch the first two episodes of our dis­cern­ment series. These videos are simply a resource along­side our com­pre­hen­sive dis­cern­ment booklet. If you’re inter­ested in start­ing your dis­cern­ment journey, reach out to aj@arotahi.org.nz for a first dis­cus­sion and access to all of our resources.

Want to take the next step, now? 

Take a look at which Skilled Place­ments are avail­able, or head to the Arotahi Dropbox for our ready-to-connect church engage­ment options.

“Iden­tify the unique DNA and charism that your faith com­mu­nity part­ners with. Under­stand how you can give (aroha atu) and receive (aroha mai), mutu­ally trans­form­ing one another. Love how God uses genuine and com­mit­ted relationships.”