A thank you letter for Freeset wage subsidy supporters.

When you support Freeset/Joyya, you invest into long-lasting community transformation. You invest into the lives of today and the lives of tomorrow. Thank you.  Through your generous support, and the support of others like you, we were able to continue the employment of 82 Freeset staff in 2020.

We want to say thank you. 

Through your gen­er­ous support, and the support of others like you, we were able to con­tinue the employ­ment of 82 Freeset staff in 2020.

What a year it has been! In June 2019, the Mission Council of NZBMS com­mit­ted to sub­si­dis­ing 82 Freeset employee salaries for the next 5 years. This enabled a busi­ness already caught in some finan­cial chal­lenges to securely con­tinue the employ­ment of these 82 staff — then the full impact of the pan­demic, lock­downs, and all the asso­ci­ated fear further jeop­ar­dised the sta­bil­ity of the busi­ness. The workers, and their fam­i­lies, were vul­ner­a­ble. NZBMS’ com­mit­ment to these sub­si­dies was now more impor­tant than ever.

That’s why this subsidy is more than just an income.

These 82 employ­ees have been pro­vided a feeling of hope, an increase in well­be­ing, further career train­ing, as well as a place and com­mu­nity of belong­ing and purpose.

Thank you for being part of this! Your com­mit­ment to the future of Freeset/Joyya, the con­tin­ued employ­ment of the staff, and the care of their fam­i­lies is invaluable.

What we have known as Freeset will take on a new iden­tity in Feb­ru­ary, as Joyya. This name reflects the heart of the orig­i­nal vision — pro­vid­ing a joyous pres­ence and reflect­ing the light of Jesus in the wider com­mu­nity. If you would like to con­tinue fol­low­ing the journey of this entre­pre­neur­ial busi­ness into this new chapter, please email me at aj@nzbms.org.nz [aj@arotahi.org.nz] so we can add you to their ongoing updates.

2021 will bring us into the second year of our five-year com­mit­ment to the employ­ment subsidy. In 2020 we sub­sidised 82 staff at a cost of NZ $2500 each. This year, the subsidy amount drops to NZ $1650 per worker.

Can you join with us again in 2021 and for the next three years, as we con­tinue the support of these employ­ees and their families?

Give to the work of com­mu­nity trans­for­ma­tion in the world.

Update in Nov 2022:

As we look forward to 2023, our com­mit­ment to these 82 staff of Joyya remains steady and sig­nif­i­cant. We want to con­tinue to ask for your support, prayer­ful and finan­cial, as we meet our com­mit­ment. Email kelly@arotahi.org.nz for details to donate and invest in the future of this com­mu­nity. You might like to make a one-off dona­tion, or commit to sup­port­ing a par­tic­u­lar staff member for the next 2 years of the subsidy — thank you. đź–¤

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