Jangkholam Haokip & David W. Smith: “Voices from the Margins: Wisdom of Primal Peoples in the Era of World Christianity (Global Perspectives)”

The wisdom of tribal peoples has often been overlooked, both within the church and outside of it. However as the ideologies of consumerism, free market individualism, and nationalism grow more and more dominant across the globe, with devastating implications for our planet's shared future, it has become ever more urgent to make space for voices from the margins - voices offering alternative frameworks for understanding the nature of existence, spirituality, and what it means to be human.
This book draws together con­trib­u­tors from diverse tribal and denom­i­na­tional back­grounds to reflect on the future of Chris­tian­ity in North­east India, a region rich in ancient myths, oral tra­di­tions, and a vibrant aware­ness of both the spir­i­tual realm and the embed­ded­ness of humans within cre­ation. Joining a wider con­ver­sa­tion regard­ing the inte­gra­tion of Chris­tian­ity and primal tra­di­tions, the authors wrestle with crucial ques­tions sur­round­ing iden­tity and the chal­lenges of con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing the gospel in rela­tion to their own lan­guages, cul­tures, and tra­di­tions. Looking both back­wards and for­wards, they provide insight into the history of Chris­tian­ity in tribal con­texts, while explor­ing the vital sig­nif­i­cance of recov­er­ing and trans­mit­ting indige­nous knowl­edge and the pro­found per­spec­tive it offers the church into the sig­nif­i­cance of Christ and his gospel.
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