Mission Formation Resources
Mission takes formation and immersion. Start being shaped for your hand–carved mission now with some of our hand-picked resources.
Check out some of our favourite articles, videos, podcasts, books, and other content below.

Editorials and articles from our favourites archive, as well as ones we have been chewing on lately.
Finding Communitas in Liminality: Invitations from the Margins in the New Testament and in Contemporary Mission.
I remember meeting many missionary families in church who loved Jesus so deeply that they had decided to leave their countries behind and move to the narrowest and longest country in South America: Chile. Although each one possessed different persona…
People driven from their homes by climate disaster need protection. And ageing nations need them. by Gaia Vince
In the previous blog post, we looked at some of the biblical foundations for cross-cultural missional partnerships. In this post, I will give a definition of partnership that clarifies goals, actions, and commonalities in cross-cultural relationships…
Our ‘worth a watch!’. Small episodes and long-form pieces.
This presentation was given by CSGC Co-Director Dr. Gina A. Zurlo at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, Germany, on September 2, 2022. Check it out for 150 years of global trends in 11 minutes!
Alan Jamieson (General Director of NZBMS) presents a Terrace Talk at Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on Wednesday, August 3 2022.
Alan shares on the failure of Megachurches and their high profile leaders, answering the questions of what went wrong and…
Our picks for excellent missional conversations, stories, and panels. Treat your ears
Rebuilders is an initiative started by Red Church to help churches, leaders, and believers grapple with the issues presented by an increasingly secular society. We firmly believe God is preparing to move and is rebuilding His Church with particular b…
8 episodes This online publication contains the weekly teachings from Manurewa Baptist Church in South Auckland, New Zealand.
Manurewa Baptist Church Manurewa Baptist Church
Elizabeth Oldfield speaks to theologian, author and associate professor at Yale University Willie Jennings. 12/08/2020
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Global Experience
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What is Safar? Safar is a one-to-one discipleship journey to help new believers walk with Jesus and live his ways. Clear and easy to use, Safar guides you through 30 Biblical steps – each designed to help you grow in relationship, go deeper in the …
Jay’s doctoral thesis: “Mutuality Of Belonging: Toward Harmonizing Culturally Diverse Missions Groups”