Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development

Proposes an understanding of development in which the physical, social, and spiritual dimensions of life are seamlessly interrelated.
“A mas­ter­piece of inte­gra­tion and appli­ca­tion that draws widely on the best Chris­t­ian and sci­en­tific sources on devel­op­ment and draws solid con­clu­sions from what we have learned from expe­ri­ence in min­istries around the world.” From the Fore­word by Paul G. Hiebert

“A book from which Chris­tians of every church tra­di­tion can draw deeply and profit greatly. The prac­ti­cal wisdom found here can only be the result of what is expressed by its title: ‘walking with the poor.’ ”¬ –Stephen B. Bevans, Catholic The­o­log­i­cal Union

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