by Kelly Enright | Nov 28, 2022
The power of CharÂacÂter: A closÂer look at Acts 1:8 shows us the clear instrucÂtion and swift stratÂeÂgy Jesus gives to his disÂciÂples for makÂing an impact around the world. It’s a simÂple and powÂerÂful yet heavÂiÂly overÂlooked modÂel in WestÂern...
by Kelly Enright | Nov 21, 2022
1. Calling people misÂsionÂarÂies can comÂproÂmise the safety of global workers in high-risk conÂtexts. To quote someone on MRN’s staff, “If we don’t change our lanÂguage, we are going to get someone killed.” On a govÂernÂmenÂtal level, being a misÂsionÂary is a...