The global Church is shifting South

The global Church is shifting South

Today, I am thank­ful for the shift in the global Church from the Global North/West to the Global South. As Chris­t­ian belief declines in the North, it is thriv­ing in places like Africa, Asia and Latin America. And these regions are increas­ingly sending their...
Mekdes Haddis: Our role and God’s role in missions

Mekdes Haddis: Our role and God’s role in missions

The power of Char­ac­ter: A clos­er look at Acts 1:8 shows us the clear instruc­tion and swift strat­e­gy Jesus gives to his dis­ci­ples for mak­ing an impact around the world. It’s a sim­ple and pow­er­ful yet heav­i­ly over­looked mod­el in West­ern...